Faith Is An Act!
By Audrey Mack, French International Speaker and Bible Teacher

Without faith it is impossible to please God, The righteous must live by faith and 1 John 5:4 (Holy Bible) plainly states that I will receive victory over whatever the devil throws at me, only through my faith. So would it be fair to say that I must endeavor to know everything I can about faith, wouldn’t you? What do you do if you believe God for your healing or any of his promises and it doesn’t seem to work?

Many would be quick to conclude that it might not be the will of God for them or possibly even decide that the Word of God just doesn’t work.  However, the Word of God, in 2 Cor.13:5 (Bible), commands us to examine ourselves as to whether we are IN the faith. So If we can be IN the faith, then it means that we can be OUT of faith, precisely there is a position of faith. In Mark 11:24 (Bible) Jesus clearly tells us what to believe or in another word, how to be IN faith: “Therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

What are you praying for? Healing? Jesus said in order to be healed you must believe you have received your healing. To be logical, you can only receive something that is given to you. So to put it simply you must receive your healing before you ever see the manifestation, because you understand that your healing has been given and granted to you.

If you wonder, how can I be so sure that God has given me or granted to me the healing I need? Eph.1:3 (Holy Bible) says “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing...” or even better, “as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness...”  2 Peter 1:3 (Bible)  Did you notice that both verses are in the past tense? You see it is not a matter of convincing God to give us what we need, but it is a matter of us receiving what God has already given to us.

If you can find what you need in the Word, then you can have it, for all the promises of God are in Him, "Yes and Amen"... not may be or later! Did you know that there are more than 700 promises in the New Testament alone, and healing is part of it! Again, to be IN the faith, is to believe you received, or believe that it is yours because, as a believer in Jesus, it has been given to you through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I will always remember when the Holy Spirit taught me this truth. I was preparing to go to Guatemala on a mission trip when I fell ill with 103° fever, very sharp pain on my right side and every other symptom that accompanies a ruptured appendicitis (according to a nurse friend of mine!) I knew that if I went to the hospital I would have to cancel the mission trip... didn’t like that idea, too many people were counting on me. IT IS NOT A MATTER OF CONVINCING GOD TO GIVE TO US, BUT IT IS A MATTER OF US RECEIVING WHAT GOD HAS ALREADY GIVEN TO US!







The Prayer of Faith...

That night as I was wrestling with pain and fever, the Holy Spirit asked me the simple question: “What does James 5:15 (Bible) say? “The prayer of Faith will heal the sick...”  I knew the prayer of faith was found in Mark 11:23,24 (Bible) and I knew God wanted me to simply receive my healing.

The next morning, being a Sunday, my husband, Fred, knowing I hadn’t slept all night was convinced I should stay in bed and rest. Everything in me agreed, until the Holy Spirit stopped me: “Have you received your healing, Do you believe you’re healed by the stripes of Jesus?... so what would you do on a Sunday morning if you were healed? Of course, I’d be in church... and off I went!

I dragged my hurting, with 103° fever little self on a pew, sat there feeling beat up and sorry for myself until the Holy spirit spoke up again: “What would you do on a Sunday morning in church if you were healed?”  Well, it didn’t take me long to understand that God was expecting me to praise Him, jumping and dancing around as I usually do.Then church ended, and I left with pain and fever still in my body.

Fred asked me if I wanted to stop for lunch. Are you kidding me? All I could think about was going back to bed and nurse my wounds... until... Well, you’ve guessed it by now, the Holy Spirit asked me what I would normally do after church if I was healed?  And so I found myself sitting in a restaurant telling myself and God “Isn’t it enough for me to be sitting here... Do I have to eat?”

I never thought eating a salad would be so hard, chewing one bite at a time, each bite harder than the other, but I was doing it in obedience to God and His Word with no obvious change or immediate results. We paid our tab and as I walked to the car I suddenly realized that the pain, the fever and every symptoms had left!

That day I learned a valuable lesson from the Holy Spirit of the Living God, If you truly believe God promised it, then receive it and start talking, and acting like you’ve got it. If you are sick, then start acting and talking like a healthy person, if you are broke, start acting and talking like a prosperous person, if you are confused, then start saying I know the will of God, I am one of Jesus' believers, I hear His voice and I am led by His Spirit.

I like what Smith Wigglesworth said “Faith is an act”. Sometimes you just have to act it out even if it feels like it’s the hardest thing you can do... and continue to stay IN faith until you see the manifestation of your prayer, believing that the promise is yours. Why? Because the Word says that every promise of God belongs to you in Christ.

Go Tell Ministry/MINISTÈRE GOTELL Audrey Mack


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