Jesus Healed Me...So It's Too Late To Tell Me Jesus' Miracle Healing Doesn't Happen Today!

photo of Susan Palmer, Author & Publisher of website

                          Hi, My name is Susan Palmer

Jesus healed me miraculously in 1989....

I am a freelance copywriter, the author and owner of this site...and I am TOTALLY PASSIONATE about the supernatural healing power of Jesus! 

Jesus healed me of an incurable condition....Now if that's not something to shout about, I don't know what is. So this website is my Shout! that Jesus Heals Today, and that He will heal you too.

Here's My Healing Miracle Story...

It was the summer after I graduated from high school. Many friends and family were having a picnic at a park overlooking Lake Michigan. We were having a rousing, fast-running game of "dodge ball," when I lost my balance and went careening toward the edge of the cliff...the wooden barrier fence gave way...And I went flying over the cliff, a thirty-plus foot fall, and landed head-first on the beach below...

Parents and friends madly scrambled to make their way to my limp body below..when they got to me, they found me unconscious, but still breathing. Medical help arrived...I came back to consciousness, but had total amnesia, and no feeling or use of either of my arms.

Long story short... I was taken to doctors, x-rays and tests run...the "report" of all the medical experts?..."Nothing they could do for me," "medically incurable," "in-operable condition", "no hope" for me to return to a normal life...

I had done irreparable damage to my spine...instant scoliosis in several places, collapsed discs, damaged vertebrae throughout my entire spine, nerve damage, etc...I would live the rest of my life disabled, and in acute chronic pain...the older I got, the worse my condition would become. The only "relief" doctors could give me was heavy-duty prescription pain-killers to mask the pain so that I could "cope" with it. 

At age 18, that medical report was worse than a death sentence! I had been strong, healthy, and athletic all my life...My life changed forever that summer day, as celebration turned to tragedy.

Can You Even Imagine What It's Like To Live 24/7 In Constant Pain?

Well, that was my life for twenty years, until Jesus healed me!  Over the years after the accident, I tried everything known to man to heal, or at least alleviate the constant pain...chiropractic, physical therapy, different types of massage, acupuncture, biofeedback, hypnosis, "psychic healers"...all to no avail. 

The pain just kept getting worse, and I went from prescription tylenol, to percoset, to codeine, to vicodin, to demerol...on and on, to ever-increasing strength narcotics, twelve or more heavy-duty pain-killers a day, just to "get by," but with no real relief. 

For those of you who have suffered with pain over an extended period of time...You know first-hand that it really wears you down...fatigue, short-tempered, hopelessness, depression...You completely lose all joy for life, the people and things in it!

But Jesus healed me!...The healing power of Jesus still heals today.

After Suffering For 20 Years, Jesus Healed Me In Minutes...

But before I tell you how Jesus healed me... let me digress for a moment...What makes my healing testimony even more amazing, to me at least... is that before Jesus healed me, I really didn't know much about Him...

As a child growing up in the Midwest of the United States, I went with my family to a "Christian church"...but it is was only a "dead" denominational "religion" (Not all Christian churches are, but this one was). There was nothing in that "church" that was of any relevance or real value to my life...So I rebelled against church, quit going...and after the accident, I rebelled against God too...How could He let that happen to me...Can you relate?!

Then I went to college, where I was taught philosophy, secular humanism, about the religions of other cultures...and it was "cool" then to be an "agnostic" or "atheist," or to practice TM (transcendental meditation), or have a "guru."

For twenty years, I was involved in all that stuff...eastern religions, meditation, New Age, psychic healers, channeling...been there, done that! "Jesus" and "church" were nowhere in my life. I didn't even know any professing "Christians"...

But I found out Jesus Christ knew and cared about me anyway, personally...So much so that Jesus wanted to heal me!

Nothing Is Impossible For God!...

Those were the four words I heard while sitting alone on my couch in Sedona, AZ in 1989...Out of the blue, and clear as a bell!..."Nothing Is Impossible For God."...including His ability to heal me.

I was shocked, but those words riveted my attention.  I thought to myself, "Where did that come from...and now what?" Because after 20 years of suffering with an incurable condition, I had totally given up on the idea of ever being healed!

In the next instant, I clearly "heard"..."Get a copy of the Bible, read the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), and the Book of Acts...And read them with an open mind."

Me?...Get a Bible...Read about Jesus...Really?!  But I had hurt so bad, for so long, I had nothing to lose.

So, I went to the public library, got a copy of the Bible, went home and read, as instructed. What I saw written there in the Bible, I'd never seen or heard before...Jesus healed ALL who came to Him..."sinner" or "saint," Jews or Gentiles (people from other nations)...It didn't matter to Jesus "who" they were or "how" they were!  Could Jesus heal me?

In every case in the Bible, Jesus healed them all, instantly. Even more surprising, I learned so did all the believers in Jesus, in the early days of the Christian church.

Jesus Himself said, "The works that I do, you too will do...Those who believe in me, in My name they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover."

Susan shown healing a sick workman at his businessMe, Susan, healing a sick business owner while visiting his outdoor restaurant in Ecuador

Jesus Not Only Healed Me...Now He Heals Others Through Me!...

Keep in mind, at the time, I didn't "know" Jesus...Didn't go to church...Didn't know any "Christians"...Had never heard that Jesus miraculously healed every known disease and infirmity...I sure didn't have any "faith" at that time in Jesus' healing power...

And, I had no idea the healing power of Jesus was still available today...available to me personally...and that Jesus would heal ME! 

But within one hour of finishing my Bible reading assignment...and praying for my healing, like Jesus teaches about prayer in the Bible...Jesus healed me, and I was totally pain-free for the first time in twenty years!

Can you even imagine what that must have felt like?...I wept with relief and joy.

Months later, I went to a doctor and requested a full set of X-rays of my neck and spine.  I "knew" Jesus had healed me, because the pain was completely gone. But I went to have it checked anyway...those X-rays showed I had a "perfect" spine...absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Jesus Christ had done a creative miracle in my body, and given me a "brand new" if the tragic accident and extensive spinal damage had never happened!

I've never had pain a day in my life since...immediately quit taking the daily mega-doses of narcotic pain-killers, with no withdrawal symptoms...and have walked in total health ever since October 1989.

In addition, for many years now, Jesus' healing power flows through me to heal others...I've also discovered Jesus is healing countless multitudes of people worldwide today!

Though Jesus healed me, I'm no "expert" on the miracle healing power of Jesus Christ today...but I sure have a lot of "experience" with it!...and am a serious student of it. So it's a personal passion of mine that all who are sick and suffering also learn that they can be healed by Jesus, like I was...

Even if you don't know a believer in Jesus Christ, can't go to a church or miracle healing crusade where Jesus is healing people through faith-filled Christian ministers...Like me, you can receive your healing simply by reading the Word of God, the Holy Bible. Read the same books in the Bible I did (the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the Book of Acts), open your heart and mind to the truth you see in these writings that Jesus is Healer, read and re-read the Healing Scriptures in the Bible until you "get it"...that it's God's Will to heal you!

Don't have a Bible? Here's the global favorite FREE Bible App (799 languages supported) for your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Jesus Healed Me!....Watch my brief video healing testimony here...

I Created For You...

This is why I've created this website...Yes, Jesus healed me, and I've walked in perfect health since 1989.

But I want you to know how YOU can be healed by Jesus... And how you too can release the supernatural healing power of Jesus Christ to others.

The Bible says, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever"...Jesus the Healer, "I am the God Who heals you"...and that "God is no respecter of persons," i.e. what He does for one, He is willing to do for any and all who come to Him. This was the testimony of every person who came to Jesus in the Bible..."Jesus healed me!"

So, on this website, you will find a wealth of valuable information and resources about Jesus healing power today...

Discover for yourself that Jesus wants to heal you...and to demonstrate His supernatural healing power through heal those who are sick and suffering in your world, the people you come into contact with every day.

Here you will learn how to be healed, and how to heal I, "guest experts" on the healing power of Jesus, and other people just like you who have already been healed, or are now healing people in the name of Jesus, share what we have discovered, and are learning, about the unconditional love and awesome healing power of Jesus Christ that is operating throughout the entire world today.

This website is a labor of love for me...I expect to continue adding to it for years to more and more people send in their healing miracle testimonies...especially after being healed as a direct result of what they learn here!...As "guest experts" contribute new articles...And you, our site visitors, add your recommendations and reviews of Jesus healing resources.

I look forward to hearing your good news..."Susan, Jesus healed me too!"

By the way, this is a new website...It will take some time to get all the information, resources, and links posted to it...Thanks in advance for your patience. Keep checking back for new content, as grows and expands to meet your needs. And thanks for telling your social media circles about us.

God Bless You,


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Jesus Healed Me Of Severe Depression... 
In the fall of 2013, Susan (the creator of this Jesus Healing Power Today website) highly recommended I go to the local Healing Room. I did, I received …

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My Jesus Miracle Story

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