Do you know about Jesus healing in the Islamic world today? Read this miracle healings testimony by Dr. Peter Gammons, U.K. Evangelist, who does miracle healing crusades worldwide.
Jesus Healing In Islamic World...
Pakistan came to the forefront of media attention as the hiding place of Bin Laden, from where he had secretly run Al Qaida for many years. The sixth most populous country of the world it is home to 180 million people of whom around 97% are Muslims. Pakistan is in fact the second most populous Islamic-majority country in the world.
Known for terrorism, radical Islam, anti U.S. rallies and a scary nuclear arsenal it is regarded as one of the most dangerous places on earth. As many of our new Partners missed the report on my Miracle Rallies across Pakistan I want to update you on these incredible events. Despite warnings against the visit from both the U.S. and U.K. Embassies, I risking my life for the Gospel to hold events all across this Islamic stronghold. From the opening 4 Day 'Festival of Miracles' in the Capital of Karachi I went on to conduct similar 4-day events across all of the major cities of Pakistan including Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Sargodha, Rawalpindi and Gujranwala. For security reasons I was unable to send out prayer requests or inform the ministry partners prior to the events. Thankfully, this volatile country is now known for something else - for the thousands that turned to Christ after seeing the miracles in Jesus' Name!
Jesus Healing In The Islamic World...
The most outstanding series of evangelistic events ever held in a Muslim country
As in all of our healing rallies around the world, having simply shared the Gospel, I prayed that God would confirm the Word with signs following, so that the people would know that what I had shared was true (Mark 16:20).
As I prayed, without hands being laid upon anyone, amazing, spontaneous miracles began to take place across the crowd. Excitedly people began to shout out everywhere that they had been healed!
On the first night alone in Karachi over five hundred people lined up at the platform to testify that they had been instantly and miraculously healed, including the blind people receiving their sight, the deaf hearing and the lame walking.
Night by night, on hearing of the miracles taking place, tens of thousands more precious Muslim people attended.
The local organizers reported that the crowd was over five times larger than any previous political rally in the country, with estimates of up to 100,000 people a night attending!
This attendance is truly miraculous when you consider that this was in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, where even one-to-one evangelism is illegal, in the very same cities where pastors are facing the death sentence for witnessing to individuals.
So, why was this event allowed to continue?
. . . Because of the miracles in Jesus' Name!
On the second night, four gunmen ran down the aisle shooting at me as I preached, before running off to the side of the stage. Miraculously no one was hurt. The first I knew about it was when one of the pastors seated on the stage dived on me knocking me to the floor. Standing up. Filled with Holy Ghost boldness, I announced "I haven't finished my message yet!" and continued preaching. Once again, instead of closing down the meetings, the Islamic Government provided me with twenty-six armed bodyguards to protect me, all because of the miracles taking place.
It was truly incredible, not only were we holding open air services in a city where evangelism is illegal, but now the Islamic Government were protecting me to do it! It was amazing each night to see the soldiers in their army uniforms, with the Islamic crescent embroidered on it, guarding me to preach Jesus! Everywhere I went I was surrounded by armed guards.
Equally amazing, is the fact that, seeing the miracles, the Islamic Fundamentalists announced, "It is the will of Allah that Dr. Gammons is here." A favourable article in the Muslim newspapers carried reports of those healed and described the event as "A JIHAD (HOLY WAR) ON SICKNESS AND DISEASE!"
I had noticed a copy of the Koran in English in my Hotel room. So, I prayed and said, "Lord Jesus, I don't want to read this, but, where are you mentioned in here?" Then I opened it and on two occasions my eyes fell on verses in the Koran that would become keys to the breakthrough at the events. The first spoke of 'Jesus, sent from God, who went about doing good and healing those that were sick'. The second said that 'The Bible is a Holy Book and should be read by all'. So, on the opening night I announced, "The Koran speaks of Jesus, sent from God, who went about doing good and healing them that were sick. This is this same Jesus that I have come to talk to you about. He is the same today!" Then I said, "Mohammad wrote that the Bible is a Holy Book and should be read by all ... so we have got Bibles for you," and with that we freely distributed Bibles to the excited crowd.
Thankfully it has not stopped there. During a recent visit to one of my services in the U.S.A. one of the main coordinators of the events told how revival is now spreading across the country following my visit. I closed each event by praying for the leaders and those who had been saved to be Baptized in the Spirit, seeing an amazing out pouring. The organizer told how this had never been done before and now, fired and empowered by the Holy Spirit the leaders are holding events and planting churches across the nation - WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING!
We are taking the Gospel to the whole world. With your continued support soon every creature will hear and Jesus will return!
Dr. Peter Gammons, Peter Gammons Ministry International
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