Miracle Testimony: Jesus Raises Baby Boy From The Dead In Ecuador

by Donna J.
(Salinas, Ecuador)

Photo Of Baby Boy Raised From The Dead, With His Parents In Ecuador

Photo Of Baby Boy Raised From The Dead, With His Parents In Ecuador

My name is Donna. I would like to share what the Jesus did through me that has changed my life forever. I share it to encourage you in your walk as well. This is the Jesus miracle story of a baby boy I saw raised from the dead when I prayed for him in Ecuador, in February 2015.

God is Good all the time...All the time God is Good!

Following breakfast at our hotel, I, and 5 members of the Ecuador Mission Team I was a member of, began to hear dogs barking and howling. We thought it was merely a dogfight (not an unusual occurrence). However, amid the noise of the dogs, we could hear the sound of a woman, screaming, wailing, and crying. It did not stop. After several minutes of this commotion, two men working at the hotel where we we staying went out to look, but returned disinterested. I said emphatically to our group, we needed to find out what was happening, and we all went out to the alley behind the hotel.

The heart-rending screams were coming from a woman collapsed on the side of the road. Around the corner was a man standing as still as a statue holding a baby on his shoulder. I knew the baby was dead, from the hopelessness of the mother’s screams....

My immediate thought was the memory that I had lost a child to death...my daughter had been murdered and I couldn’t help her when she died. But in that moment, standing in Ecuador, I declared, “Today this Mom will NOT lose her baby!” Sarah and Raysha, from our mission team, ran and began praying for the distraught mother. I ran over to the man holding the baby. I wrapped one arm around his back and the other around the baby and I began to plead with God for his life. I looked at his little face fully expecting to see him come back to life...but, nothing happened. I was about to close his eyes with my fingers when the Holy Spirit of the Lord clearly said to me, “You only close the eyes of a dead person.” I realized the Lord was telling me the next words I spoke would be life or death. I began kissing the baby's face and told him, “I love you and Jesus Christ loves you, and your mother is waiting for you! Now blink!” His eyes closed and then opened, but it was not a real blink.

Suddenly the Holy Spirit filled up my chest with His power and reminded me of scriptures from the Bible and reminded me of the Lord's promises. Holy Spirit said, “You have a choice....As a believer in Jesus Christ, Jesus gave you His authority to do this....'The works that I do you shall do also! Nothing is impossible with God! Speak to the Mountain!' So...You can close his eyes and give him up to death...Or… you can speak life back into him.” With that, I immediately commanded the baby, “You blink now in the name of Jesus!” He blinked two times. His belly and chest began to gurgle and saliva came out of his mouth onto the man’s shoulder. Suzan, another team member, who had been standing next to me quietly praying in the spirit, with her hand on the baby’s back said quietly, “He’s breathing, he’s breathing.” I called out to my team mates, Sarah and Raysha, “Tell the Mom he’s OK, tell the Mom he’s OK!”

Within seconds a police car came and picked them up to take the baby to the hospital, and they were gone.

A young couple on a motorbike had driven up while we were all praying. They were wearing brand new bright pink t-shirts with “Jesus” on them. They stopped and asked if we were Christians. We told them we were. They got off their motorbike to stay and pray with us while all this was going on.

After the police took the family to the hospital, I turned around and saw this couple and thanked them. I only remember her face. She was beautiful and radiant. She just looked at me with a beautiful smile as they got on their motorbike and drove away, and then they disappeared.

We were all stunned. Did this really happen? Did God just do what we thought He did?...He just brought a dead baby boy back to life in front of our eyes...as a result of our prayers!

We all went back to our hotel, and I began to sob uncontrollably. I was completely overwhelmed by God's GOODNESS!

Later that afternoon the family came to our hotel to find the strangers from America who had helped them, to show us their baby boy was alive and well, and tell us the story of what had happened. Belen, the mother, had just left her house that morning to run an errand, when her 13 year old son yelled after her to come back. Her 1-year old baby boy had fallen off the bed, cracking his head on the cement floor, and was instantly dead. She took the lifeless baby, began screaming and ran outside for help. As she was screaming, she said, the Lord told her, “It’s OK, I have already sent angels and people to help you.”

Her husband, Santiago, was notified at work that something had happened to his baby son. He had to take a bus to get to the hospital, the first one broke down, the 2nd bus was too full and finally, he had to get a taxi. When he arrived the baby boy, Josue, was lying on the table breathing but not moving. Santiago looked and pointed his finger at him and said, “Son, you will not leave me today! You get up in the name of Jesus Christ!” Josue rose quickly and went into his father’s arms when he heard his voice. Santiago is a Christian youth pastor and he knew his Heavenly Father's voice also.

We believe the young couple on the motorbike were the "angels" the Lord spoke of to Belen.

That same night Santiago, Belen and baby Josue came with our mission team to a local church in Salinas, Ecuador, where our team was ministering that night. The couple gave their miracle testimony at the church service that night, that God had raised their baby boy from the dead that very morning! Our mission team then called for anyone in need of healing to come up to the front of the church...and Jesus would heal the people tonight too! 40 people responded...30 were instantly and miraculously healed. People who were blind, deaf, lame, arthritic, epileptic, heart trouble, neurosis, diabetes; severe dog bites, painful fungal growth on both feet, instantly healed right before the eyes of all the people. Lumps and cysts disappeared underneath our hands as we prayed!

Word about "the little boy who was raised from the dead" spread quickly into the town, and people began to inquire about the miracle. Jesus Christ still uses healings and miracles to draw the lost to Himself. He still confirms His words in the Bible “with miracle signs following." And he still raises the dead back to life...not only to our life on earth, as He did for baby Josue...but to Eternal Life...So we can live in the Presence of God's Unconditional Love in Heaven forever! This is God's faithful promise to all who believe in Jesus Christ.

That’s our great and mighty living God! ...“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)”

That day the Lord formed an amazing bond between the mother, Belen, and I...despite the language barrier and our cultural differences...we are joined together forever by the love of Jesus, and we will continue to email each other and stay in touch until Jesus' return!

My Jesus Miracle Story On My Mission Trip to Salinas, Ecuador February, 2015
Donna J., Denver Colorado, USA

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Sep 20, 2015
WOW! Jesus used you to raise a baby from the dead!
by: <>

Donna, Your Jesus miracle story about this adorable baby boy being raised from the dead in Ecuador through you...WOW! Thank you for posting it on JesusHealingPowerToday.com for all of us to enjoy. Truly, God loves us, and with God all things are possible...even life from the dead!

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